<< DISCLAIMER: >> << ------------------- >> << FEEL FREE TO DISTRIBUTE THIS ANYWHERE YOU LIKE, TO ANYONE >> << WHO MAY HAVE A USE FOR IT. >> {{ THIS SOFTWARE COMES WITH _NO_ GUARANTEES, PROMISES, ETC. >> << NO THIS IS NOT PERFECT. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T USE IT! >> What is this? --------------- This is a simple VC that resizes all the controls on a form. Files Included In This ZIP are: -------------------------------- README.TXT This file RESIZE.DPR The project file for the example program RESIZEF.PAS The pascal code associated with the form which is associated with the sample program RESIZEF.DFM The form which is associated with the sample program RESIZER.PAS The source code for the RESIZER unit/component RESIZER.DCU The UNIT/COMPONENT for the resizer unit/component RESIZER.DCR The icon file for the resizer unit/component To Install: ------------- 1. Copy the component (RESIZER.*) to a directory which is pretty permanent. 2. Run DELPHI 3. Select the menu option "Options | Install Components..." 4. Click on the "Add..." button 5. Click on the "Browse..." button 6. Find the RESIZER.DCU (or RESIZER.PAS) file in the directory where you placed the RESIZER.* files in step 1 and select it (double click on the filename). 7. Click OK Delphi will now add the RESIZER component to the a group called "New VCs.". Using the Resizer Component: -------------------------------- All you have to do is place the RESIZER component on your form, set the 'OnSized' event for the form to a function and then call 'ReSize(Sender)' from within that function. It is a GOOD IDEA in your 'OnSized' event for the form to watch for resizing that is too small. If you resize the form too small you can cause this Resizer to crash your program. All you have to do is check the bounds of the form being resized, if they are less than a certain amount, set the bounds to the certain amount. HELP!!! -------- See the example program for help or you can mail me: mental@murdrum.nmsu.edu Whats left? ------------- Obvious extensions are adding support to any container controls I may have missed. You can tell if something is a container control by placing another control on it and then try to move the control outside of it. If you cannot move the inner control outside, it IS a container control. I have NOT figured out how controls are stored on a TTabbedNotebook, (but honently I have not looked very hard, yet) so while the TTabbedNotebook will resize itself, the obejcts on the pages will not size themselvess. Contributions --------------- This software is being distributed as Supper-The-Starving-Programmer-Ware. If you find this component useful, I would appreciate you contributing to the starving programmer (me), but I am not requiring that you do. Any contribution would be appreciated (even just a postcard saying HI and any comments you may have). I am: Kevin C. Dorff 539 Solano NE Albuquerque, NM 87108